Friday, January 24, 2014


The Southern African Development Community (SADC) Secretariat has organized Students Essay Writing Competition for Secondary School student in Forms I-VI.

The selected topic for the year (2014) is:
Climate Change is having an adverse effect on Socio-economic development in the Region. What should the Education Sector do to mitigate the impact on the youth?
The set of Questions below are meant to guide you when responding to the above Question above. In answering the main question above, answer all the listed below:
  1. Explain the causes of global warming and how a change of one or two degrees in global average temperatures can have an impact on our lives?
  2. Discuss the effects of global warming and climate change on the socio-economic development in the SADC Region?
  3. Discuss the successes and failure of the Kyoto Protocol as an instrument that regulates member states on the addressing issues on climate change?
  4. What are the main challenges in addressing the effects of global warming and climate change? Is it too late to do anything about climate change?
  5. What should the SADC Education Sector do to mitigate the impact of climate change on the youth?
The essay should not be more than 2000 words long and not less than 1000 words. Students are expected to begin writing immediately and submit their essays to the heads of schools. Every schoolhead will select the best essay and send it to The Ministry of Education and Vocational Training not later than 22nd April 2014. The National adjudication will take place from 05th to 12th May in order to get three entries which will be submitted to the SADC secretariat in Botswana.

Where students have access to computers, they are advised to type their essays and submit both the soft and hard copies. Students who will type their essays will have to sign the hard copies before they submit them to their heads of schools.

 In addition, heads of schools are supposed to ensure that the students adhere to the following guidelines:
  • The essay shall be written in English language
  • The front page will display the name, sex, class, school address and stamp, Headmistress/Headmaster’s email address, signature and phone no, region, country and the title of the essay.
  • The handwritten essays will be written on one side of the A4 paper with double margin of two centimetres.
Please use all possible means to let schools in your region be aware of this competition and participate effectively and make it a point to meet the stated deadline.

The same Information can be found on the website of the Ministry

Wishing you and your schools all the best.  

Paulina K. Mkonongo



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